Attended Linux conf again this year, here are some projects that interested me
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Attended Linux conf again this year, here are some projects that interested me
Been looking at using the E-Maxx to do some rock crawling, but want something versatile that i can also use for bashing etc. Few thoughts, Gears, diff’s & tyers
Might be able to use the 2 speed conversion without the 4ch remote, but would be more versatile with it, Spools tend to break things, puts a lot of stress on the drive train, better to use goo or putty, but thats still on the extreme end, on the more conservative side, heavy silicone oil seems to be more LSD like, and OFNA oil seems the best.
I’ve finished working on my new body for the RC truck, I masked it up with a flame kit and the Missus painted it for me. Looks good! Would do a few things different next time, Orange doesnt spray well, may need to use reducer or a different orange. Pealing the mask off may be better left till the next day, or peal mask off after the first few light coats, to get cleaner lines. White base on the inside seemed to take longer than 1 night to dry.
Having a few problems with frame rates on my little key chain camera on my hat cam, wish i found Chuck Lor’s site about them before i bought it. Looks like i have a Fake HD not the real HD
To purge objects from squid cache there are a few methods, if you know the exact URL (file)
to purge a subset use the purge utility (syspci)
When creating a second Backup box, install minimal system, use the dpkg –get/set-selctions and apt-get dselect-upgrade
use cp -a to copy the following folders/files; NOTE: Avoid copying the whole folder, as fstab / passwd / udev etc. may be different (causing boot failure.)
Been looking at RC Gliders, i’ve been recommended the Alula from Dream-Flight, and the Parkzone Radian. Possibly with a Spektrum DX7 from BarnFloor or RCPlanet or ModelFlight. There is a good thread on Alula setup at rcmf.