I’ve used iptraf for years, but never been able to get the filter to work properly to exclude the ssh sessions. I found a good post about filtering ssh on iptraf, and when used with ip traffic on all interfaces it shows traffic through the Linux box.
- Create a new filter, add a new entry and set the dest port to “22 to 0 ” and Y for TCP, E for Exclude and Y to match opposite, Enter to save
- Add a second entry with ALL IP protocols set to Y and I for Include, Enter to save
- Press X to save the filter (CTRL+X Cancels!)
- Apply the Filter.
Also a few other tools for checking interfaces and Bandwidth
- bmon
- slurm
- iftop -nNbP -i ppp0
- tcptrack -i ppp0
- pktstat -n -i ppp0
- vnstat
- bwm-ng
- cbm
- speedometer
- sktstat
- netwatch