Apr '12
MY Current RC’s
- HobbyKing Clouds Fly, powered plane, 1300mm wingspan, good to learn on, easy to fly, and cheap. I’ve got a mini spy camera to fit to it with a transmitter and OSD (on screen display), once i’ve got it all fitted i’ll be able to view from the cockpit with on screen display for direction, heading, battery capacity etc.
- DreamFlight Alula Glider, 900mm wingspan, Side Arm Launch it off a cliff and slope soar in the wind, great fun and relaxing, got some Video on / with it today (using my key chain spy camera)
- Orange Tennis ball to give you some scale next to my Rock crawling tyres
- Traxxas E-Maxx 4WD Monster Truck, custom painted boy (Wife painted, I Designed and masked it), its hard to see but there is a small Camera mounted inside this cab, I can put on some FatShark Goggles and view from inside the cabin. Currently Buster is Designing a new Body for this one, hope kids can paint it this weekend.
- Traxxas Slash 4WD SCT (Short Course Truck), Custom painted Body (Designed by Beatle, Painted by the kids), Currently fitted with Road Tires and High speed pinion. When i went to Mums yesterday i got it up to 97kmh (60mph) I’m trying to get it over 100kmh, but it gets unstable over 80kmh and it wants to follow the camber in the road.
- NQD Tear Into Jet Boat, Was a toy grade, but has had all the insides upgraded to Hobby grade, so instead of going 10kmh, it now goes about 60kmh, its also got water cooling fitted to the motor and speed controller.
- Tamiya TT01D Drifter, custom painted body (Wife Painted, I designed), Drifting side ways on Concrete / Bitumen is just heaps of fun, has upgraded Motor and locked rear diff. Currently have a ‘ball diff.’ to put into the front differential.
- HobbyKing mCX Micro Coaxial Helicopter, Just some fun flying indoor’s.
- Losi 1/24 SCT, A Micro car for some indoor fun.